I love it better than the board game itself. The music is perfect and the graphics are smooth.
I love it better than the board game itself. The music is perfect and the graphics are smooth.
This is a great turn based tile placement game. Stay on the board to win. Easy to learn and play. Not difficult and very quick to play. Random elements make the game different every time.
I have been playing Tsuro for a long time and I have always loved the beauty and simplicity of the game. This app has ported the board game beautifully and Im thrilled to have Tsuro with me wherever I go! I would give the app 5 stars, but there are a few features (for an app, not for the game) that I think are either missing. Ive noticed a couple glitches here or there, but it seems to resolve itself once you restart the app. Im sure these will be fixed with updates. I would recommend this game to anyone who wants a fun puzzle to play by themselves or wants to play a competitive yet relaxing game with friends. Games move fairly quickly so this will be played multiple times without a doubt! Happy Gaming!
I like a game that is fun alone (where I can win) or fun playing with my super competitive son (when I lose but still enjoy myself). Tsuro helps me work on visual thinking. I need that!
True to the board game. Very nice. I wish it didnt rely on facebook for multiplayer though.
The artwork is amazing. Game play is easy. Wish you could more easily play with friends. I have to delete and reinstall several times because it will load part of the way, then stop. Very annoying to have to start the challenges over.
Revised review: This game has a serious bug, which I have now encountered for the third time. After playing a large number of games, the app will completely stop working. The first (rather annoying) start screen, showing the name of the game, will appear as usual, but when the second start screen (even more annoying) is due to appear, only a blank screen appears, and the app grinds to a halt every time it is run. You can only recover from this state by deleting the app and its data, then installing a clean copy from the App Store. I have done this twice, and now the game has frozen a third time. I have notified the developer and received no response. Enough. I wish it was possible to give an app zero stars.
This is a great implementation of the game with good single player as well as multiplayer options. Also it looks and works great!
This game is good
I love this game. I have the board version at home as well as the Tsuro of the Seas with expansion. Wish they had that on here as well. Nonetheless, this game is keeping me busy. Great way to play when no one else to play with. I have not had the opportunity to play online with anyone yet, just the AI.
I love board games, and this feels very much like an actual board game. A lot of fun.
I havent had the chance to play the board game. Watched a episode of table top with Wil Wheaton and I really enjoyed it. I like it cause I can play solo. It is mostly how I play all my board games since I dont have any friends that I can play a physical game with.
Good, solid adaptation of the rules and mechanics of the popular Tsuro board game. The only suggestions I would make would be to allow a top down view of the board, and allow the ability to rotate the board.
really though, it is.
Never played the board game, but i imagine it plays better. Still, the iOS version is pretty good.
Looks good and fun to play. The game itself is great. The UX is pretty bad, though. No scoreboard in game. Super slow startup times and the app is constantly getting ejected so youll get the cold start a lot. Hard to see upper left corner because an info bubble is always obscuring it. Dont always get a badge when its my turn.
I have the board game. This a good adaptation the graphics are slick. Good time no alcohol required.
fun game, I might try out the board game now
Im really enjoying playing this game !!!